2023-2024 JLCS PTA
Dear Families, Teachers and Staff,
We would like to welcome you all to this new school year! As your PTA Executive Committee, we are very excited to have this opportunity to work with all of you.
We have been hard at work in an effort to create a year filled with educational programs as well as fun-filled family activities for our John Lewis Childs School Community.
We are committed to making every child’s potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for all children.
You can help us reach our goal in this community by becoming a member. Your dues go toward funding
our local programs and advocacy efforts, as well as the advocacy work that our State and National PTA carries
out on behalf of all children.
Visit and join our JLCS PTA MemberHub at https://jlcspta.memberhub.com/store/items/8214
Becoming a member doesn’t mean you must attend every meeting, although we’d love to have you! Your membership dues allow us to bring even
more fun and excitement to JLCS by having assemblies and events in the school and after school family events!
Like us on Facebook – John Lewis Childs School PTA https://www.facebook.com/jlcspta
Angela Rella
Kristn Jakob
1st Vice President
Christina Vincent
2nd Vice President
Dana Laffey
3rd Vice President
Jackie Leonard
Elysia Murphy
Recording Secretary
Nicole DiStefano
Corresponding Secretary
Lisa Conway